The Paul Cardall Podcast

Tina Cardall - Catching Salmonella

Episode Summary

On the 72 episode of The Paul Cardall Podcast, Paul's wife Tina, a former Wall Street Analyst turned Health expert, discusses a shocking diagnosis she received after landing in the hospital for the first time in her 54 years. They discuss a thoracic surgeon and infectious disease doctor who biopsied a lump at the top of her sternum next to her clavicle. After days in the lab, the medical team discovered Salmonella. The United States reports 40,000 cases a year. They discuss how rare the disease is and what the medical team did to help her heal. They also discuss what others can do to prevent Salmonella.

Episode Notes

On the 72 episode of The Paul Cardall Podcast, Paul's wife Tina, a former Wall Street Analyst turned Health expert, discusses a shocking diagnosis she received after landing in the hospital for the first time in her 54 years. They discuss a thoracic surgeon and infectious disease doctor who biopsied a lump at the top of her sternum next to her clavicle. After days in the lab, the medical team discovered Salmonella. The United States reports 40,000 cases a year. They discuss how rare the disease is and what the medical team did to help her heal. They also discuss what others can do to prevent Salmonella.



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Tina has a Finance degree, worked on Wall Street for 10 years as a performance analyst for Morgan Stanley and credit, Suisse asset management, After 9/11 i pursued her passion of health and fitness, and became a certified personal trainer and nutritionist. Tina’s passion and drive is in educating and helping people be the healthiest and best versions of themselves. A few years ago she was having some health issues and hormonal imbalances and realized that the personal care products she was using we’re very toxic and causing a lot of the health issues. Tina replaced all of my toxic personal care products with clean, healthy and high-performing products that work. The body is like a rain barrel. When your rain barrel is empty, you are healthy, vibrant and feel amazing. When your rain barrel is getting full or overflowing, you have a slew of symptoms and illness, dis-ease starts to kick in. Her rain barrel at one point was getting full and she learned how to empty it since. So again, Tina is here to educate others and help them keep their rain barrel as empty as possible. Check out Tina's instagram for healthy food choices, sign up for her newsletter, and get her recommendations for clean living.



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Paul Cardall is an artist who has given a new meaning to the phrase, a change of heart and how he used this radical change to take his music to an unexpected place.  Despite being born with a potentially life-threatening heart defect Paul Cardall has become a world recognized pianist. He is even endorsed by Steinway & Sons as one of the finest pianist of our time.


A Dove award winner for his Christmas album, Paul’s recordings have debuted on 11 No. 1 Billboard charts along with 46 other chart debuts. His music has 25 million monthly listeners with more than 3 billion lifetime streams and is often categorized as Classical, Christian, and Holiday. Although most of albums are instrumental, Paul has songs that feature Grammy winning gospel legend CeCe Winans, Matt Hammitt (Sanctus Real), Kristin Chenoweth, Country duo Thompson Square, David Archuleta, Tyler Glenn (Neon Trees), Audrey Assad, Steven Sharp Nelson (The Piano Guys), and more. 


Paul has performed for audiences worldwide including the White House. Forbes, American Songwriter, Jesus Calling, Lifestyles Television, Mix Magazine, and countless other media outlets have share his remarkable journey of receiving a life changing heart transplant and using music as a tool to help God heal spiritual, mental, and emotional hearts.

Episode Transcription

Audio file

Tina Cardall - Shocking Diagnosis.mp3




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Paul Cardall

My wife is on the podcast because we had. A shocking development that happened in the last several months. There is only 40,000 cases in. The United States tell us.

Tina Cardall

Well, it's crazy because this all started back in mid February and we're almost into May. So it's been a few months of. If trying to figure out exactly what was going on so. In mid February. I started experiencing some pain on the left side of my neck and I didn't know if I slept incorrectly one night. You know, the pillow was positioned the wrong way. But the pain started getting worse. But then it started going down my left arm. And you remember we were on a trip and I was in excruciating pain, literally crying my eyes, my eyes out. I was in so much pain. It was throbbing. You had to brush my hair for me dressed me. Do everything and I literally was in bed for five days. So got back home and of course I immediately made an appointment to go see my doctor and I went and they took an X-ray and they said that I had a sternal clavicle joint irritation. It. My joint was inflamed. Go home, take some ibuprofen, take some turmeric. It's definitely going to help with the inflammation. You should be fine. Went home, did that for a month. The pain was still the same, but I started developing this this bump on the left side of my chest and I thought this is so strange. Why is this happening now? Because I'm taking ibuprofen and the turmeric, it's not getting any better. A month went by. Again, we were out of town. At my mom. 'S for Easter and the pain really started to go up the back of my head and that's when I got scared and I knew something was wrong. Called my doctor and I said I need to come in right away. We need a second opinion. I need to know what's going on so. Went to a second doctor and immediately when he saw me, he said. Tina, you need to go to the emergency room immediately. You have a really bad infection. So that's what I did. I went to Vanderbilt emergency room and within 5 minutes the doctor saw me, looked at my chest and said wow. Wow, that that's bad. So they did a. They did an MRI. They did all this extensive. Blood work on me. Everything was coming back normal. My numbers were perfect. Understand what was going on. They admitted me to the hospital and I was. You're you're admitting me? To the hospital like I. Feel fine, I just don't know why. Where this lump came from, what is going on? They said dear, you have a really bad infection. We need to get to the bottom of it and we can't let you go. You're under our care. Now, so the infectious disease team got involved. The thoracic surgeon saw me and after doing numerous tests, they decided they needed to do a biopsy. They needed to go in and see what was going on. So they did that and. Lo and behold. I had a very severe case of salmonella. I was in shock, Sal, Manila. How on Earth could I have gotten this? I clean all of my fruits and vegetables the correct way, which is soaking them in food grade hydrogen peroxide for at least 30 minutes that will kill. Anything and everything that maybe is growing on them. I cook my meat properly. My my steak with my red meat usually is medium well, where years ago used to be medium rare, but I realized the importance of cooking your meat. I don't eat sushi. I very rarely eat out. But of course. I do eat out and we travel. So where I got this I have no idea what food I ate. I have no idea. I asked myself a million times a day. Where could this? Where could this? What could I have eaten? I just keep guessing and just like the doctor said. You will never.

Paul Cardall

Now I think all of us and you have learned that you can be doing everything right, but things happen. And you have no control over him.

Tina Cardall

This was a complete one off right. It was so random. I never get sick. Like you said, 54 years old. I've never been. In the hospital, my health, if if I caught a cold, it might last for a day. And then it was. But unfortunately even like yesterday I was looking online. And I came across. An article, basically Pillsbury. They have an all-purpose flower that got recalled. Over 12,000 cases have been recalled in the United States. Because it can be, there's a good chance that it's infected with salmonella. So here you go. You're at home, right? You're you're not eating out. You think you have control over everything, but then you just want to bake a cake. So you're using Pillsbury all-purpose flour to make this cake, and now you have salmonella. Only 40,000 cases a year. It is so rare to catch it, but it happens. Even when I was in the hospital. Remember talking to one of the nurses and she told me that they stopped serving peanut butter to patients because they were getting salmonella. So just random things like that can happen. Unfortunately, you know you. Don't want to live your life in? I want to travel. I want to go out. I want to eat. I want to try different foods. I want to experience different foods, so this definitely has been a little traumatic for me. It's tomorrow will be two weeks since I had the surgery. It's gonna take me a little while to get comfortable with food again and. Hope that I'm going, that I'm going to be OK and chances are I will be because the chances of getting salmonella are slim. But it can happen. So I think it's important to be aware of how can you get it.

Paul Cardall

We're going to talk about. What the thoracic surgeon and the infectious disease? Decided to do. But before we do that, you. Know this was your. First time in a hospital, you were in an emergency room. I just remember. Going into the hallway and there you are in your gym clothes. You know, you you look like you just look. You look like you just lifted some weights and run on the on the treadmill and you know and there you are surrounded by all these people that had broken legs. There were people coming in from accidents. Yeah, I said. People with blood on them. I mean, it was. I mean, it was stacked up. This is Vanderbilt Hospital, one of the best hospitals in the country. But everyone with a problem goes to the ER. And there you were. What were your emotions witnessing all of this? And of course you there dealing with this up prior to being checked in. What were you feeling?

Tina Cardall

First off looking. Around at so many people looking very sick needing immediate attention, my heart went out to them because. They just didn't look well. Well, and I actually felt a little guilty being there taking. Up a bed. Because honestly, I walked in feeling great. I had amazing energy. I wasn't thinking I was gonna get checked into the hospital. Ready to go to the. Gym after that and really the only reason. I even went to the doctor. Was because this lump. Started developing on my chest and it was getting worse and. Then the pain started to shoot up my head and that's what scared me. So I knew it was time to go in, but if? I wouldn't have had either. Or I wouldn't have gone to the doctor because I was feeling fine. So initially walking in. I just felt like, why am I here? Take your tests. Let me go home. And call me with the results. And you know, we'll figure it out or you'll figure it out. But they were like, no, you're staying. I was thinking, whoa, this this is. A big deal and. I was so thankful to God that I was there because I knew the severity of it, and I knew that they needed to figure out what was going on with me because people literally die from this type of bacterial infection. It it's no joke at all and that's why we do need to be familiar with how can you get it? Are the symptoms. Because even though it's rare, it can happen and I exercise, I eat healthy, I clean my fruits and vegetables properly. We don't wear shoes in the house. I mean, I'm doing everything right and boom. It got me.

Paul Cardall

You're the type. Of person who is constantly on the go. At the gym you're eat preparing your meals. You spend a lot of time. Educating people on how to live a healthy lifestyle, not just by a parents, but to feel. Good on the inside, attractive on the inside. When the thoracic surgeon comes in. And tells you he's going to have to. He's going to have to go in. And you, you. Knew there'd be a scar of some kind. There'd be a wound. Like I don't know. Listener, if you remember the first time you ever went in the hospital and the doctor says you have got to operate on you. Were you scared? What I mean, what were you feeling?

Tina Cardall

Well, honestly, I'm sitting here right now. Just getting a little choked up. When I was in the hospital. I didn't have the emotions that. I have right now. I don't know if I. Was just numb to it. Don't know if it's because they had me on painkillers, I don't know. But everything is surfacing now. And it was really scary for me because. It was the first time. I was in the hospital. They said it the operation the surgery was going to take anywhere from two to three hours and I was. I was thinking, well, this is a really big deal. This is a really big deal. And I remember even. Talking to my mom on the phone. And I knew I was going to be. Fine in my heart, but I said you. Know Mom, we never had this conversation. You know, you always have a conversation with a parent because they're older and you assume that they're going to go first. But I had the. Conversation with my mom. If for some reason I don't come out of this, it's my it's I would like to not be cremated. I want to be buried.


I want to.

Tina Cardall

Be in a casket. So this is the. Conversation I was having with my mom. I don't even. I didn't even tell you. This it just didn't come up. I just didn't think to. Tell you but. This was the. Conversation and it really scared me. I got very emotional. And I was scared. And now I have, of course, the trauma which I know will get better. It's just going to take. Me a little bit of time. The trauma of. What I am eating? Because I don't know what I ate that caused this so. If I was the average person that ate something and then got the fever and then they had diarrhea, then you could say, Oh yeah, absolutely. You know, it was that piece of red meat that I had that did it, but I never had those symptoms. I didn't have them at all. So for me, it's a mystery. And it always will be and it's. Frustrating for me. It's frustrating because I don't have the answer. I never will have the answer and I do need to stop asking myself and try to figure out how I got this. Because I won't know.

Paul Cardall

You know when you have an illness and you go into the hospital and you have this doctor say we got to cut into you.


And then you.

Paul Cardall

Go through this process. You know it doesn't matter how many times you go through this process. It is heavy. It's very emotional. You get into that. Fight or flight mode in worrying about everything. There's this way that. God humbles us in such a profound way. To where in the? We start to have more compassion. For people that go through. This for our parents. For friends, for anybody who is struggling, I mean, you've got friends who are. Struggling with their health right now? Obviously there's a little bit more understanding, I guess, because you you're now walking in those shoes, but when the surgeon came in and said, you know, we're gonna have to cut in there and remove. The infection and. Then we're going to have to feed you with antibiotics. It's going to take, you know, several weeks. You're going to get this treatment and you didn't really know the type of treatment you were going to receive, and he's like, you can't travel. You know, we had a trip planned for my 50th birthday to go to Israel together. Spend a beautiful time there that is off the table, and of course that doesn't matter because your health is what matter. Give us that first. Concept that first experience I know a lot of people have. Felt this of. The prep and going into that operating room, do you remember finally getting to the operating room or? Were you kind? Of started to pass out on the for said before you got there.

Tina Cardall

I passed out so quickly I. Wanted to remember going into the. Operating room, so I could. Look around and you know, check things out. I've never been in a so.


I wanted to.

Tina Cardall

See what was going on. I don't remember anything. I just remember her. Nudging me a little bit, saying wake up. Honey, it's time to wake up. And then next thing you know. I was back in my room, so it's. All a blur, unfortunately.

Paul Cardall

Yeah, they took such good care. Of you and you know me. I'm always like, oh, yeah, I want. I want some of that stuff. Because you feel like. You're floating it. It's a it's. It's a beautifully ironic situation when they have to. Give you that stuff. But thank God that we. Have this medicine to help us. You know, not remember. What we experience in the actual. But you went off. They woke you up. And then you started to learn that well, of course. They had this device on you. You came out of surgery and there was this device. And if you're watching on YouTube, you can see this. Round thing going into her chest. The little black under. There there's a sponge going into the wound and a long tube into what's called a vac wound device. I've never heard of. And it is pulling out. Fluid that you know. When you get an infection, there's excess fluid, so it's pulling that out. But you have to. Carry this device. It looks like you're wearing a purse everywhere you go. It runs on batteries. You have to plug it in to recharge it. When you first got that. I mean, how was that and what were they really telling you about that?

Tina Cardall

Just like you, I had no idea what this device was, and the more I learned about it, I thought it was brilliant. Whoever created this was genius because my womb is healing from the inside out and I've been wearing this almost two weeks. And tomorrow will be two weeks and I have noticed because every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, the nurse comes to our house and changes the dress saying so. I have seen the wound actually gets smaller and smaller and smaller. Sure, the opening of it is still. The way it was from day one when they. Made the incision, but it's getting smaller because it's healing and there's less chance for infection. So yes, I'm very annoyed by this long tube that's about 6 feet long that's attached to. Basically it looks like a messenger bag. I'm constantly getting caught. The door handles and it's pulling me and then I have to sleep with it and it's constantly making almost like a slurpy sucking noise because it is draining all of. The fluid out of. But it is getting smaller and I'm hopeful that tomorrow or Wednesday, when the nurse comes, it will be time to stop using it. I'm just being patient, just taking it honestly. One day at a time and just knowing that this is going to be a process. I just have to be patient. But just like you said, I think another hard part for me is knowing that I can't leave town because a nurse is coming every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I can't go away. I can't go to Europe and start eating foreign food that I love. Because right now my body is healing. And it's under stress still, and because of the heavy duty antibiotics that I'm taking for. A minimum of. Of course it's messing up the. Microflora in my digestive tract. I'm one that is all about making sure that my gut is balanced. I've worked with a functional Dr. for quite a few years, making sure that my gut is balanced and you know. It's as healthy as it could be. And so now I'm taking these antibiotics. But I do know the importance of taking them and it is. Something that I have to do and you know what, I will rebalance my gut again. I will get there and I will have complete health again. It's just a matter of a little bit of time. So I need to just hang in there.

Paul Cardall

You look amazing and. I also remember the thoracic surgeon looking at you. And just kind of studying because they look at the color in our face, lips, eyes, they can tell the depth of the illness. And he looked at you and he said. If you were not. As healthy as you are. This would be much more complicated and difficult to get this resolved that in and of itself should tell everybody that do your best to maintain good health, and we're going to talk about some of the things you're doing to encourage others. To be healthy, but. If you know again if you're watching on YouTube, yeah. Can you somehow pick up that device and show us? I mean I.

Tina Cardall

Yeah, of course.

Paul Cardall

Doesn't. It's like, you know.

Tina Cardall

So this is the long tube that pretty much goes down my shirt, and then it's this. That is attached to this thing, which is kind of like a ***** pack, a messenger bag, and then this is the device. And then here on this side is where all of the fluid gets collected and this is what we change three times a week where the nurse does so pretty much. Yeah, I'm sporting this thing like that like. It's a part of me, I. Sleep with it. I. Shower with it.

Paul Cardall

Yeah, it's like R2D2 to Luke Skywalker. Everyone's got a sidekick. So that's your sidekick? But I remember. Them also saying that this vice was invented by a gentleman who was very. Concerned about his wife? Who got sick and had a big wound and. When you seal a. You can develop a new infection, so they would stitch you or they'd. Put you know. Close it with tape. This is a new device so that it heals from, like you said, from inside out. And it makes the scar less obvious. So what I love about this is a man did this out of love for his wife. You know, it's kind of like we have the iPhone because Steve Jobs heard his daughter say I wish I I wish I could put all my music and records in one place. Out of love, he created the iPhone. To put all her music in one place. So these devices are absolutely miraculous, and God inspires us. You know people that have these. Unique gifts to develop these gifts and and. Help other people. And that's one thing you do. You know, we've talked. About how healthy you are on a previous episode. We got into the details of products that have. You know the food, the the ingredients, and then you're still going straight forward with this. It hasn't slowed you down from the stories you have on Instagram. Let's talk briefly about your business with Beauty counter and then these stories and why you're doing these stories on your Instagram.

Tina Cardall

You know I love being healthy. I love finding delicious foods that. Are going to keep us healthy, you know, so many people are eating processed foods and unfortunately they are contributing to your health over time. It does take a toll. People are exercising, they want to eat healthy. They don't think about the products also that they are putting onto their bodies and back. In 2019, I started. Using products by a company called Beauty Counter. And I absolutely fell in love with this company because they are the only company that's out there that is working with legislation, getting laws passed and changed to get safer products into the hands of everyone because the average person before they leave the house in the morning, they're putting on. At least 500. And that's even the typical man shampoo, conditioner. Body wash some deodorant. Maybe some chapstick. And you're out the door. 500 chemicals. So people don't realize that that also is contributing to your health. You're eating organic. You're exercising. They're focusing on sleep, but then you're putting all these toxic products on. They're hormone disrupting. They're causing hormonal issues. They're causing fertility issues, they're causing cancer and unfortunately there's something called green washing that's going on out there where companies take. A box, a package and they put a green leaf on there and they put the word healthy. But in reality, when you turn that box around and you start reading those ingredients, you'll see the harmful chemicals that are on there and unfortunately. People don't know. It excites me to learn about these things and then to share and that's why I love going on Instagram, especially doing stories and just saying, hey, you know, let's take two products here pretty much the same thing, but not really you have the really unhealthy version that has white flour, white sugar seed oils in there that. Red dye 40 all these. And then you have the other product that's made with a healthy flour. It's made with olive oil or avocado oil, completely different ingredients. So you know, for instance, that could. Be pancakes the. Healthy version versus the not so healthy. So I want people to know that you can still enjoy life. You can still enjoy. Eating wonderful, delicious, savory, sweet, whatever it is, foods that you cook. But they can be healthy because. More than ever, I'm so excited to continue on my journey of health because, yes, I've had a little bit of a set back, but I don't look at it now as a set back. I look at it as it's just another tool in my toolbox. I'm educating myself even even more on a topic that I really was not familiar with salmonella. And now I can educate others so and that could be in so many ways, but I want people to just know and understand that health. Is a journey. And anything and everything we do does make a difference. If you're eating healthy, it's going to make a difference. It is, and if you're not eating healthy, that's also going to make a difference in your health. You get to choose and just like you. Said I did. Walk into the ER and the thoracic surgeon said all of your numbers are so normal, your white blood count is normal. It shouldn't be. You have a serious infection. Everything about you is so healthy. The color of your skin is healthy. You're walking around. You look healthy, you're upbeat. You're thinking clearly. Said the average person that would have walked in. Pretty much would have been, you know, wheelchaired in. Because they would. Have been crawling in. It's it is a deadly bacteria. So more than ever, I want to continue on this path to educate and just let people know that you do have choices. There are healthier options out there even if you want a full glam, a face of makeup. You can have that by wearing non-toxic makeup and that's. My back to beauty counter. I love this company. It is high quality, it's high performing all of our products are EWG, verified and I know a lot of people know what it is, but EWG stands for Environmental Working group. When you find a product and you want to know if it is safe. They are gonna rate it from EWG, verified all the way to 10 and 10 is in the red. It is the most toxic thing you could put on your body. And you walk into CVS, Walgreens and you can start scanning with the EWG app. It's a free app. You can start scanning with the UPC code. The products and you can see just how bad they are. And then you. Scan beauty counters and their EWG verified. So all the things that we do make a a. Huge difference in the short term and the long term.

Paul Cardall

You'll be able to learn all of this information and and get further educated and inspired on how to take. Control over your life. You know, Tina doesn't do this to make money. She does it out of love and she wants others to feel as good as she does. So search on Instagram, Tina. Cardal Tina cardal. You'll find her stories, her posts, and you also, if you click on by her bio, you can get on to her news. Letter she sends out a very informative, wonderful newsletter with great information that goes beyond the stories. So check that out. But you know, as you were talking, what came to my mind is I remember as a teenager going into the grocery store after I got a heart transplant and you would go on. The cereal aisle. Because I you know, I love cereal and. Cheerios was sponsored by the American Heart Association, and they put the Cheerio instead of in a bowl. They put it in. A heart-shaped. So you thought? Well, gosh, if the American Heart Association says this is really good for you. Oh, my gosh. I got to get this. I got to get my dairy. Milk and put it all in a bowl and I'm going to feel amazing. But again, this is one of those deceptions we have in the United States. Corporations need to earn, and they need to convince you. Like big Tobacco used to that their product is completely safe and healthy. Now, I'm not saying don't have Cheerios. Once in a. While but you need to recognize.

Tina Cardall

I am there are safer and better. Alternatives out there besides Cheerios.

Paul Cardall

Well, hey, I have to.

Tina Cardall

Just had to say that because there are.


Well, let me while.

Paul Cardall

Let me show you one. Of these cereals that you you. Got to me that I love.

Tina Cardall

There are safe and while he's getting the cereal, let me just say that there is more calcium in 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds than there is in a. Glass of milk. Milk milk is one of the highest allergy foods for all human beings, one of the highest allergy foods. So if you are experiencing any type of skin irritations from acne, rosacea, eczema, any digestive issues get off of milk. For a little while, let's see. How your body adjusts to that? So sorry, I just. Had to throw that in there.

Paul Cardall

So I grabbed this. Cereal that you got me. And gosh, I love sugar. And everybody has kids that love sugar cereal, but you got me something. It's called 7 Sundays.


And I didn't know.

Paul Cardall

The title, but I knew the cereal because you used to say I went to the grocery store and I bought you 7 Sundays and I thought you were, you know, 7 bags. Or something but this. Cereal is delicious. It's tastes like sugar. But it's only got what is it 6 grams and it's natural sugar. And what's in there is cassava, sunflower protein, Maple syrup, coconut oil, strawberries, blueberries. Like real strawberries, real blueberries, vanilla.

Tina Cardall

It's sweetened naturally. It's sweetened with Whole Foods, so Maple syrup, coconut sugar, it's made with cassava flour, the Berry Berry flavor is fantastic. You can eat it, obviously, like cereal with milk. Get right out of the bag. It is such a wonderful. Snack treat your kids will love it seven Sundays. Yeah, it's fantastic.

Paul Cardall

And you know what? You know what else? Your kids are going to love. And this blew my mind. I like love suckers. There's a company called Smart Suites. They have caramels, they have like gummy bears and like Swedish fish. But these are suckers. And here's the kicker on these suckers. 1 gram of. 1 gram of sugar.

Tina Cardall

And there's no artificial colors or dyes. It's not made with cane sugar. These are clean ingredients, and I love it because the options these days. There are so. Many options for people where years ago we didn't have it, but these companies, they are so creative they are. Producing and making such wonderful products for people that are diabetic and can't have sugar or people that just want to stay away from sugar because we do know that sugar causes major inflammation. And that's where disease starts. When there's inflammation in the body, so how can we? Have yummy treats and not have inflammation. Well, those things are available. And you just have to. Go grocery shopping with me. Follow me and you also.


Well, that's that's the thing.

Tina Cardall

Will learn, right?

Paul Cardall

All your stories, I I want you. The last thing I love chocolate. Now here's Gina. I'm going after. The sweet tooth, you know here and. Tina shows you a. Lot of things from meats. She gets me these beautiful lasagna dishes and pasta dishes. I had some pasta yesterday that you gave me that only had 210 calories and it. Was a full meal. It was better than when I would go to an Italian restaurant. 100 times. Better than the Olive Garden that a lot. Of people get.


The outlet. You're funny.

Paul Cardall

Minus the breadsticks and the salad. So those breadsticks aren't healthy. I like chocolate. You know, and so here's when you got it, Sprouts called dark chocolate bites. Again, there are dietary fiber of three grams carbonates 4G, but 00 sugar. But there's six. Erythritol. What?

Tina Cardall

Alcohol and some people don't do well with it. If they have any digestive issues. If you have just a little bit of it here or there, you're gonna totally be fine. But if you get a little upset tummy because it is a sugar alcohol, then just don't have it. But that's what those are sweetened with. They're just orange flavored dark chocolate, little circles and. So me, I just have a few of them. You know, I'm not going. To eat the. Whole bag at one time but. I'm more of a fan of monk fruit and stevia. Some people do really well with sugar alcohols. And you just have to. Find what works for you.

Paul Cardall

Does that mean like? Like there's a bunch of fruit in a monastery praying and everybody eats out there. That monk fruit is.

Tina Cardall

But those are fantastic little chocolates.

Paul Cardall

So what I'm showing you right here is just a sample of what she does on her stories, and you're going to feel. A lot better. Eating these and giving them to your kids, you're going to know. That your kids? And less likely to have anxiety. Depression because a lot of the foods that we're giving our kids creates. Problems. Unhealthy lifestyles.

Tina Cardall

And as well as diabetes, it's. A proven fact that. America is heading in the direction that's soon enough. One out of every two people will have diabetes, and we're talking about our children also. It doesn't need to be that way. Way we there's so much available to us these days where kids can still be kids. You know, you can have a popsicle that's made just out of fruit juice. They are available to you, you just have to go looking for them. So it's something to be mindful of for everyone. And Zetia, yes, we love zevia. It's sweetened with stevia, hence the name zadia. And they have all sorts of flavors from. They have doctor Zevia, which is doctor Pepper. That right there is the black cherry. They have cola, they have root beer. They have a mock Mountain Dew. They have a mock Sprite. They have so many sodas. So I love those another brand. I absolutely love is called spin drift and it is actually sweetened with actual juice. So right now I am on the pineapple spin drift kick and it's just sparkling water with a little bit of pineapple juice. So it's very low in sugar, but. I want people to know that carbohydrates are. Not the enemy. Carbohydrates in the form of fruits and vegetables when they're in their Whole Foods state. Carbohydrates are not healthy when you know you're eating a box of let's say Oreos, and it's all highly. Process highly refined foods with sugar and seed oils. This is what creates disease. This is what causes diabetes. This is what's causing weight gain and illness in. So it's a matter of just reading those ingredients and becoming more educated.

Paul Cardall

You can find all this stuff in most grocery stores. You like to go to Sprouts and Trader Joe's. Whole fall, everybody talks about Whole Foods and here's the thing with Whole Foods, they got bought by Amazon, so they're slowly. Concerned about profit, they want to make more money, so they're slowly starting to slip in stuff that is not necessarily healthy. I'm seeing Cheerios. On the shelves. And I'm seeing more and more stuff, so even at Whole Foods you have to be careful. So again, if you're on Instagram, go to tinas. 'S stories and posts. And you will get. Great inspiration and ideas on how to. Keep your life healthy and how to keep you. Children healthy by eating. Your way through life. Which is pretty good. So honey, I am glad that. You were on this. I we've you know. These things are often private among families, but. We want you to be healthy. You know, I've talked a lot about my health and now that my wife has gone through it. We feel like we need to share in order to encourage other people, so God forbid you go through these things, but when you go through. These things you're prepared. To do it with grace and dignity and elegance the way you did, you look amazing. You always look amazing, but you. Know before we conclude. Tell us overall, this whole experience, maybe in a couple sentences, your entire life. You've been striving to be healthy. You are healthy. You have this. One little set back but I guess. In one sentence or two sentences. What do you think, God? Has taught you? By the way, you've. Lived your life and this one. You know you have sickness and you have surgery and now you're on the mend. What do you think God has been teaching? You through your life.

Tina Cardall

I definitely feel that. Life could be over like that. You know, you could be so healthy and then something so random happens to you. I've and you know this. I always say, you know, let's live life today, be in the moment. Be present because we don't know what tomorrow brings and it. Was a huge. Eye opener for me to realize that. It could all be gone in a matter in a blink of an eye, it can all. So we need to. I need to appreciate life even more. Slow down a little bit more, you know, smell the roses, have a more, deeper, meaningful conversation with a neighbor. You know, maybe call my mom a little bit more and slow down that conversation instead of just rushing to say what I have to say and be. And I I realize that life is so precious. I've always known that. But more now than ever. I know that it can be taken away just like that. And I'm just grateful to be alive. I'm grateful to have gone through this experience, but more importantly, I am so thankful. To all of the people who have reached out to me, who have sent me cards, flowers have sent me, DM's texted me, called me, and just said we are praying for you. And I wanted to say thank you to everyone, because it really means the world to me and I just love you all so much.

Paul Cardall

Well, we're going to put in the show notes and link to your Instagram. I love you. Glad that you are successfully recovering so we can get back to our. You know, we're actually going to go on a date. Today we're going to go see a movie. Get out, enjoy weather and yeah, so thanks, honey, for being on this. And yeah, love you.

Tina Cardall

It was fun.


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